1:00 p. m.13:00

Ethics Training - Overcoming Ethical Conundrums, Dilemmas, and Stickety Wickets

  • Google Calendar ICS

This workshop has been approved for 2 hours of ethics CEUs.  To attend, simply join the meeting using the link below.  Let me know if you have any questions. 

Workshop Description

This purpose of this free online workshop is to provide pragmatic knowledge and skills to practicing and aspiring court interpreters to assist them in making sound ethical decisions while practicing their trade in a variety of unpredictable judicial settings.  The instructor will provide an overview of important concepts, and participants will work to apply what they learn by participating in numerous skits and hands-on exercises.  This workshop has been approved for 2 hours of ethics interpreter continuing education.

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11:00 a. m.11:00

Immigration Interpreting in a Remote World

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Topics in Remote Interpreting Webinar Series: #4 Immigration Interpreting in a Remote World

Description: The U.S. immigration system creates work for thousands of interpreters across the country. Some work in the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), commonly referred to as immigration court. Others interpret in U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for interviews and applications. Some interpret for attorney-client interviews—or in all of these areas.

During COVID-19, most encounters are performed virtually, over the phone, or even in person with social distancing measures. Many more have been cancelled or postponed.

This presentation offers a fascinating window into the U.S. immigration system. It also provides a snapshot of immigration interpreting during the pandemic—and what to expect if you accept remote assignments. Come for a tour of this complex world. Your tour guide is a federally court certified EOIR interpreter who has worked in all areas of the U.S. immigration system.

Learning objectives:

After attending this webinar, the participant will be able to:

1) Explore the structure of the U.S. immigration system and the different agencies that participate in that system.

2) Assess how immigration interpreters’ work has changed since the pandemic.

3) Describe common challenges in immigration interpreting, particularly since the pandemic.

4) List tips and strategies for managing those challenges.

This webinar is approved for 1.5 CCHI CE hours, 1 ATA CEP, 0.15 RID CEUs, 1.5 WA Courts Performance CEUs, 1.5 PA Courts CEUs, 1.5 MD Courts CE credits, 1.5 CO Courts CE credits and 1.5 CA Courts CIMCE credits. Certificates will be issued only for viewing the live webinar. Certificate download instructions will be emailed to attendees 24 hours after the webinar has taken place.

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1:00 p. m.13:00

Part 2 - A Victim's Journey to the Courtroom: Understanding Domestic Violence and the Justice System

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Administrative Office of the Courts awarded through the Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet by U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs.

Hosted by the Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Language Access in collaboration with the Department of Family and Juvenile Services.

PART 2: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2020 1:00-4:30 PM EDT


This session outlined DV case processing and timing challenges in the court process, with an emphasis on survivor experiences.


This session provided a firsthand account of experiencing the court process through the eyes of a survivor and will include a discussion of considerations for the impact of the court experience on DV victims


This session provided an overview of services and interventions for survivors of interpersonal violence and the role of various supports in and out of the courtroom.


This session provided an overview of the best practice guidelines for individuals serving as interpreters for domestic violence victims in the courtroom.

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1:00 p. m.13:00

Part 1 - A Victim's Journey to the Courtroom: Understanding Domestic Violence and the Justice System

  • Google Calendar ICS

Supported by grant No. VAWA-2019-

Administrative Office of the Courts awarded through the Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet
by U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs.

Hosted by the Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Language Access in collaboration with the Department of Family and Juvenile Services.

PART 1: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2020 1:00-4:30 PM EDT


This session discussed the dynamics of interpersonal violence by exploring the cycle
of domestic violence, the impact on victims, warning signs and behaviors that may
impact victim testimony in court.


This session provided an overview of the procedures that law enforcement officers follow and services they provide when called to the scene of violence-based incident


This session provided an overview of healthcare needs of victims of gender-based violence, including firsthand accounts of the challenges nurses face when working with victims regarding hospital admittance, care options and evidence collection.


This session explored evidence collection techniques for laboratory technicians, including processing times, reporting evidence to courts and other relevant information impacting the forensics of a DV case.

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9:00 a. m.09:00

Forensic Transcription and Translation - NAJIT

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Session Description: Forensic Transcription/Translation (FTT) work is an increasingly important element in litigation and with it comes an increased need for well-trained FTT practitioners capable of producing evidence-worthy transcripts.

This was fast-paced workshop that covered the procedures, protocols and ethics required to create defensible FTT products suitable for use in court proceedings. Participants learned the proper formatting of FTT documents. We were introduced to listening techniques and specialized software that can use to convert and enhance A/V files, improve listening conditions, create “speaker profiles”, and optimize their comprehension of recorded speech. Legal and ethical aspects of FTT translations were considered in terms of accuracy, fidelity, coded/irregular language usage and terminology research.

Provided by NAJIT

Presenter: Judith Kenigson Kristy

Certificate of Attendance = 6 Credit hours

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1:00 p. m.13:00

Basics of Spoken Language Interpreting in School Settings

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In this webinar, interpreters were introduced to the special skills required to effectively interpret in an educational setting, as well as the Standards of Practice in this domain. Additionally, interpreters were be given an overview of the laws affecting this process, as well as the different types of situations in which they may be called upon to interpret. This webinar also presented examples of a variety of situations frequently encountered in an educational setting.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the special skills needed to interpret effectively and accurately in educational settings

  • Describe legislation pertaining to interpreting and translating in educational settings.

  • Recognize the roles of education professionals and support personnel, including interpreters.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the interpreter’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics as they apply to educational interpretation.

  • Discuss and define the appropriate application of the Standards of Practice to case scenarios.

  • Enhance interpreter knowledge of educational terminology/jargon


Dr. Holly Silvestri has been a freelance translator interpreter for several years. She has a PhD in linguistics from Middlebury College. In addition, she is a senior lecturer in the University of Arizona Translation and Interpretation Spanish major and is the Senior Coordinator for Curriculum, Training, and Translation at the National Center for Interpretation in Tucson, AZ. She has a significant amount of experience interpreting in educational settings in a variety of states and countries and is currently a certified teacher in NY, AZ, MA, and CT. Her working languages are Spanish and French.

Hosted by the University of Arizona - National Center for Interpretation

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Tips and Guidance: Interpreting Cuban Spanish Witness Testimony
2:00 p. m.14:00

Tips and Guidance: Interpreting Cuban Spanish Witness Testimony

  • Google Calendar ICS


Online Webinar of Cuban Spanish speech sounds, word order and grammar, regional varieties within Cuban speech, a comparison of identical Spanish-language words with it’s different individual meanings in Cuban Spanish, Cuban Spanish words originated in Afro-Cuban religions, a review of these religions, and review of Cuban Spanish obscenities.

(3 CLE’s Credits)

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6:00 p. m.18:00

The Legal Interpreter and the Civil Deposition

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For the successful completion of the

National Center for Interpretation Testing, Research and Policy

The Legal Interpreter and the Civil Deposition

Online – April 14, 2016

With 3 Hours of Instruction

Florida – 3.3 CIE Credits, CEAA #15-0098

Abstract from  http://nci.arizona.edu/civil_deposition

"A deposition is typically in the realm of civil law. It might seem to be less stressful for the legal interpreter, since it is not in open court and there is no judge or jury. Civil depositions, however, are often far from being less stressful, and they can be quite challenging for the interpreter. The subject matter is often controversial and emotionally fraught: a car accident, a slip and fall, medical malpractice, divorce matters, financial disputes, investment issues, accounting disagreements, conflicts in maritime law, contractual disputes, copyright infringements and so on.

Adding to these emotional complications is another factor: some lawyers have a bare colloquial or even an anecdotal knowledge of a given language, and they are always ready to challenge an interpretation rendered by a professional. This can happen particularly when the interpretation is something different from what was expected by the attorney, or when counsel thinks he/she is losing the case, thus he/she has to resort to whatever may help him/her, in their belief. What’s the interpreter to do when this situation arises, which some have called a case of “let’s use the interpreter for target practice”?

In this workshop we will review and discuss:

  • Real-life scenarios and case studies
  • Keeping your cool when emotions runs high
  • Typical civil deposition scenarios (such as personal injury, vehicular accident, contractual disputes, medical malpractice and actions for damages)
  • Boilerplate attorney language translated into Spanish
  • Specialized bilingual vocabulary
  • How to handle spurious objections to language interpretations from attorneys
  • Managing telephonic appearances"
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a 2 mar

Foundations of Court Interpreting Training Institute

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Patty Schumann

For the Successful Completion of the National Center for Interpretation Testing, Research and Policy and the Kentucky Administrative Office of the Courts Foundations of Court Interpreting Training Institute.

From February 27th, 2016 to March 2, 2016

With 40 Hours of Instruction

ATA - 10 Points - NAJIT - 10 credits


Abstract from http://nci.arizona.edu/kici

The National Center for Interpretation (NCI), in collaboration with the Kentucky Court of Justice and the University of Louisville, is pleased to offer the Kentucky Institute for Court Interpreting (KICI) in Frankfort, Kentucky.

The first two days of the training are language neutral, and open to all legal interpreters working in any language. Spanish interpreters choose between a beginning and an advanced track for the first two days. 

The last three days are focused on intensive Spanish <> English interpreter training. 


  • The Role of the Court Interpreter
  • Court Interpreter Ethics & Protocol
  • Legal Procedures & Terminology
  • Consecutive Interpreting
  • Simultaneous Interpreting
  • Sight Translation

Utilizing its renowned Agnese Haury Institute legal interpreter curriculum and trainers, this training is an excellent opportunity for interpreters to develop their knowledge and skills through hands-on practice.


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a 29 sept

"Interpreting for Jury Instructions"

  • Google Calendar ICS

This 12 hour workshop focused on the process of interpreting jury instructions. Attention was given to the range of semantic, legal and procedural considerations associated with interpreting jury instructions. Participants analyzed jury instructions to identify implications for interpretations; the anatomy of jury duty, the selection process, the role and responsibilities of jurors.

Certificate of completion was received. (3 CREDITS - CLE)

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a 3 nov

"Legal Interpreting for Bilingual Professionals"

  • Google Calendar ICS

Location:        University of Louisville 
This is an advanced Seminar in Understanding the Nuances of the Law in Spanish and English for bilingual legal professionals, with Professor Javier F. Becerra, renowned author and professor at la Escuela Libre de Derecho in Mexico City. 
Seminar Objectives: 
To accurately translate complex legal principles and terms
To compare a set of select Mexican and U.S. legal concepts
To practice hands-on skills in a legal setting

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"ACCESS TO COUNSEL: The Interpreter at the Table."
a 30 ene

"ACCESS TO COUNSEL: The Interpreter at the Table."

  • Google Calendar ICS

Attended Interpreting Workshop: "ACCESS TO COUNSEL: The Interpreter at the Table." This advanced seminar was designed to provide interpreters with practical experience in 3 areas necessary to serve in the role of counsel-table interpreter. Participants were (1) instructed in a model of miscue analysis, (2) use that model to analyze interpreted legal texts, and (3) practice bringing substantive errors to the attention of counsel in the least disruptive manner.


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